Thumela ukuPhenya
Ikhaya> Imikhiqizo> Ama-Faucets okugeza> I-Deck Mount Rucets> Ama-Basin Mixer Faucets Bathroom Faucets
Ama-Basin Mixer Faucets Bathroom Faucets
Ama-Basin Mixer Faucets Bathroom Faucets
Ama-Basin Mixer Faucets Bathroom Faucets
Ama-Basin Mixer Faucets Bathroom Faucets
Ama-Basin Mixer Faucets Bathroom Faucets

Ama-Basin Mixer Faucets Bathroom Faucets

Uhlobo lokukhokha:T/T


  • Chrome
  • Brushed Gold
  • Antique Bronze
Incazelo yomkhiqizo
Izimfanelo Zomkhiqizo

I-Model No.6.024.114-00-000


UkungafaniOmpompi Abangakwesokunxele

Inani LezibamboIsibambo Esingashadile

Cartridge35mm ceramic cartridge with a lifetime of durable performance

HandleTwo handles offer separate control of hot and cold water

MaterialBrass construction for maximum durability

VariantWide range of creative finishes offer personalized living space

Amandla Wokunikezela Nemininingwane Eyen...


Amandla WokunikezelaWe are factory and we are responsible for the entire production process


Ikhodi ye-HS84818090

Uhlobo lokukhokhaT/T


Ukupakisha nokulethwa
Ukuthengisa Amayunithi:

Ama-24 Melodia Series - Basin Mixer Faucets Bathroom Faucets

Ukuqedwa kwe-Antique Bronze ku-Basin Mixer kutholakala ngenqubo ekhethekile ekunikeza ukubukeka okudala noma okucatshangwe. Lokhu kunezela umlingiswa kanye ne-charm egumbini lokugezela, okwenza kube yindawo egxile kuyo.

Ngaphezu kwesikhalazo sayo sobuhle, i-antique Bronze Basin Mixer nayo ihlala isikhathi eside futhi ihlala isikhathi eside. I-Bronze iyinto engamelana nokugqwala, okwenza kube lula ukusetshenziswa endaweni yokugezela lapho kuvezwa khona amanzi nomswakama.

Idizayini enhle ehleliwe ingazwakala ochungechungeni lwethu olugcwele lwama-24 eBasin Mixer, i-Bath Mixer, isethi yokugezela nezinye izesekeli zokugezela.

Basin Mixer Faucets Bathroom FaucetsAntique Bronze Basin Mixers

Basin Mixer Faucets Png

Imikhiqizo eshisayo
Ikhaya> Imikhiqizo> Ama-Faucets okugeza> I-Deck Mount Rucets> Ama-Basin Mixer Faucets Bathroom Faucets
Thumela ukuPhenya

Sizokuthinta ngokushesha

Gcwalisa eminye imininingwane ukuze ukwazi ukuxhumana nawe ngokushesha

Isitatimende Sobumfihlo: Ubumfihlo bakho bubaluleke kakhulu kithina. Inkampani yethu ithembisa ukungadaluli imininingwane yakho kunoma yikuphi ukuveza izimvume zakho ezicacile.
