Thumela ukuPhenya
Ikhaya> Imikhiqizo> Ama-Faucets okugeza> I-Floor Mount Faucet> I-Double Lever Bathroom Mixer
I-Double Lever Bathroom Mixer
I-Double Lever Bathroom Mixer
I-Double Lever Bathroom Mixer
I-Double Lever Bathroom Mixer

I-Double Lever Bathroom Mixer

Uhlobo lokukhokha:T/T


  • Chrome
  • Gold
Incazelo yomkhiqizo
Izimfanelo Zomkhiqizo


Cartridge1/2" brass cartridge with a lifetime of durable performance

HandleTwo lever handles offer separate control of hot and cold water.

MaterialBrass construction for maximum durability

VariantWide range of creative finishes offer personalized living space

IsiceloCoordinates with SHAKESPEARE faucets shower set components to complete your bathroom

Amandla Wokunikezela Nemininingwane Eyen...

Ukukhiqiza1500000/per month

Amandla WokunikezelaWe are a factory and we are responsible for the entire production process

Ikhodi ye-HS84818090

Uhlobo lokukhokhaT/T


Ukupakisha nokulethwa
Ukuthengisa Amayunithi:


Shakespeare Series-Bathroom Mixer Ompompi

Ingabe igumbi lokugezela lihlangana nobuciko?

Lapha uchungechunge lwethu lweShakespeare Series Bathroom Mixer amelela ompompi basendulo futhi abakwakhelwa njengobuhle be-curve bemfashini yanamuhla. I-Elegant, nokho incane, iShakespeare igubha ubuhle noxhaso - kuyilapho futhi ibonisa ukwazisa kwabo ngokusebenza okuhle.ideally kubantu abanezidingo ezisezingeni eliphakeme.

Futhi iza nochungechunge oluqediwe lwesisekelo, umxube wokugeza, isethi yokugezela kanye neminye yezesekeli zokugezela ikunikeza ukujabulisa okuhle.

Ubuciko Basendulo Ne-Amalgamate njengobuhle be-curve yemfashini yanamuhla, iqoqo lokugezela lokugezela lokugembula liyisitayela esiguqukayo sesitayela sezindawo zendabuko noma zesimanje. Hlanganisa ngeKinen Shakespeare Bathroom Mixer, izakhi zokugeza, bese udala isikhala esizobukeka sihle iminyaka ezayo.

Bathroom MixerShower Mixer And Diverter

basin mixerbasin with mixer

basin faucet

Imikhiqizo eshisayo
Ikhaya> Imikhiqizo> Ama-Faucets okugeza> I-Floor Mount Faucet> I-Double Lever Bathroom Mixer
Thumela ukuPhenya

Sizokuthinta ngokushesha

Gcwalisa eminye imininingwane ukuze ukwazi ukuxhumana nawe ngokushesha

Isitatimende Sobumfihlo: Ubumfihlo bakho bubaluleke kakhulu kithina. Inkampani yethu ithembisa ukungadaluli imininingwane yakho kunoma yikuphi ukuveza izimvume zakho ezicacile.
