Thumela ukuPhenya
Ikhaya> Imikhiqizo> Imibukiso> Kudalulwe ama-mixers okugeza> Ukugeza okubhaliwe kokugeza kanye nemibukiso
Ukugeza okubhaliwe kokugeza kanye nemibukiso
Ukugeza okubhaliwe kokugeza kanye nemibukiso
Ukugeza okubhaliwe kokugeza kanye nemibukiso
Ukugeza okubhaliwe kokugeza kanye nemibukiso
Ukugeza okubhaliwe kokugeza kanye nemibukiso

Ukugeza okubhaliwe kokugeza kanye nemibukiso

Uhlobo lokukhokha:T/T


Incazelo yomkhiqizo
Izimfanelo Zomkhiqizo

I-Model No.6.028.311-00-000


Cartridge35mm ceramic cartridge with a lifetime of durable performance

HandleSingle lever handle offer control of hot and cold water

VariantWide range of creative finishes offer personalized living space

MaterialBrass construction for maximum durability

Amandla Wokunikezela Nemininingwane Eyen...

Amandla WokunikezelaWe are a factory and we are responsible for the entire production process

Ikhodi ye-HS84818090

Uhlobo lokukhokhaT/T


Ukupakisha nokulethwa
Ukuthengisa Amayunithi:
Isethi yokugezela esethiwe

Uchungechunge lwe-28 Plolifeplus - Ukugeza okubhaliwe okubhaliwe kanye nemibukiso

I-Bathtub yethu ye-Kinen Shower Mixer ne-Shower uhlobo lohlelo lokugeza oluhlanganisa i-bathtub kanye nokugeza kuyunithi eyodwa. Ngokuvamile kufaka phakathi ukugeza okune-choisead kanye ne-valve yokuxubha evumela umsebenzisi alawule izinga lokushisa nokugeleza kwamanzi kuwo womabili okugeza kanye neshawa. I-Bathroom kanye nesikhombi sokugeza sohlelo lokugeza luyathandwa emakamelweni okugeza lapho isikhala sinqunyelwe noma kulabo abathanda ukuba lula kokugeza kanye nokugeza kweyunithi eyodwa. Jabulela ngochungechunge lwethu lwe-28, i-Basin Mixer, i-Bath Mixer, isethi yokugezela, ukuxuba amakhishi nezinto zokugeza.

Shower Mixer Bathtub And ShowersRockwell bath shower mixerbathroom and shower faucet

Imikhiqizo eshisayo
Ikhaya> Imikhiqizo> Imibukiso> Kudalulwe ama-mixers okugeza> Ukugeza okubhaliwe kokugeza kanye nemibukiso
Thumela ukuPhenya

Sizokuthinta ngokushesha

Gcwalisa eminye imininingwane ukuze ukwazi ukuxhumana nawe ngokushesha

Isitatimende Sobumfihlo: Ubumfihlo bakho bubaluleke kakhulu kithina. Inkampani yethu ithembisa ukungadaluli imininingwane yakho kunoma yikuphi ukuveza izimvume zakho ezicacile.
