I-Model No.: 6.042.213-00-000
Ibhulogi: Isonga
Cartridge: 35mm ceramic cartridge with a lifetime of durable performance
Variant: Wide range of creative finishes offer personalized living space
Material: Brass construction for maximum durability
Isitifiketi: Watermark,DVGW,CUPC,CE,WRAS,ACS,NSF
Ikhodi ye-HS: 84818090
Isikhala sanamuhla sokugezela singazwakala kuma-mixers wethu we-42 u-Basin, abaxube bokugeza, isethi yokugezela nama-accorisses okugeza.
Ukwakhiwa kwethusi kwekhishi kuxubha kwenza kube ukukhetha okuhlala isikhathi eside nokuthembekile kunoma iyiphi ikhishi. Kuyamelana nokuthambisa nokukhuphuka, futhi kungamelana nengcindezi ephezulu yamanzi. Ukuqedwa kwethusi futhi kwenezela ukuthinta kobuhle nobunzima ekhishini.
I-Kinen single ikhishi ekhishini mixer iyi-brass iyindlela esebenzayo futhi enesitayela sanoma iyiphi ikhishi. Inikeza lula nokusebenza, ngenkathi futhi ithuthukisa ubuhle bendawo.