Uhlobo lokukhokha:T/T
I-Model No.: 6.058.411-00-000
Ibhulogi: Isonga
Cartridge: 35mm ceramic cartridge with a lifetime of durable performance
Handle: Single lever handle offer control of hot and cold water
Variant: Wide range of creative finishes offer personalized living space
Material: Brass construction for maximum durability
Amandla Wokunikezela: We are a factory and we are responsible for the entire production process
Ikhodi ye-HS: 84818090
Uhlobo lokukhokha: T/T
Incoterm: FOB
I-Kinen Single Lever Show Mixer ye-Evexsosed luhlobo lokulawulwa kokugeza olufakwe edongeni lwasendaweni futhi lune-lever eyodwa yokulawula kokunye okushisa kwamanzi nokugeleza. Ibizwa ngokuthi "iveziwe" ngoba ukuxhumeka kwe-valve kanye nokuxhumeka kwamapayipi kuyabonakala futhi akufihliwe ngaphakathi kodonga. I-Lever Lever yokuxubana eyodwa iyathandwa ngokulula nokusebenziseka kalula. I-Lord Lever evex expert yokuxubha okugeza kokugeza okuveziwe ivumela ukulungiswa okulula kwamanzi ashisayo nabandayo, ngenkathi umklamo oveziwe wenza kube lula ukufinyelela futhi ulondoloze i-valve uma kudingeka.