Uhlobo lokukhokha:T/T
I-Model No.: 089.471
Ibhulogi: Isonga
Cartridge: 1/2" brass cartridge allows both volume and temperature
Material: Brass construction for maximum durability
Temperature: High-temperature limit setting for added safety
Handshower: handshower included
Ukukhiqiza: 1500000/per month
Amandla Wokunikezela: We are a factory and we are responsible for the entire production process
Uhlobo lokukhokha: T/T
Incoterm: FOB
89 Uchungechunge lweVogue
I-F1 racing track element design - Ikhithi yohlelo lokugeza olufihliwe
Mane nje ugobe futhi uncome ukwakheka okuyingqayizivele.Imigqa ebushelelezi futhi ingaphezulu komhlaba likhona. Ukuthwebula isitayela sokwakhiwa kwe-minimalist, isibambo esiqondile, se-ergonomic sever sinikeza i-Easy Operation. Indlela elula yokuthuthukisa i-Master noma yokugeza kwesibili, ikhithi yohlelo lokugeza ifaka i-shini yokushayisana ne-purshower, i-handshershower hose, i-slidebar kit, ingalo ye-slidebar ne-diverter. Izixhumanisi ngochungechunge lwethu lwe-Vogue Chunger Basin, umxube wokugeza, isethi yokugezela. ukukunikeza izinkanyezi ezi-5 ezizwakalayo ezizwakalayo endaweni yakho yokuhlala.