Thumela ukuPhenya
Ikhaya> Imikhiqizo> Imibukiso> Ama-thermostatic shows> I-Thermostatic Baat Mixers
I-Thermostatic Baat Mixers
I-Thermostatic Baat Mixers
I-Thermostatic Baat Mixers
I-Thermostatic Baat Mixers
I-Thermostatic Baat Mixers

I-Thermostatic Baat Mixers

Uhlobo lokukhokha:T/T


Incazelo yomkhiqizo
Izimfanelo Zomkhiqizo

I-Model No.080.494


Functionrain shower,waterfall,hand shower

CartridgeThermostatic cartridge

ComplementComplements the our faucet and accessory collections

SlidebarSlidebar offers adjust height and angle of handshower.

Amandla Wokunikezela Nemininingwane Eyen...

Ukukhiqiza1500000/per month

Amandla WokunikezelaWe are a factory and we are responsible for the entire production process

Ikhodi ye-HS84818090

Uhlobo lokukhokhaT/T


Ukupakisha nokulethwa
Ukuthengisa Amayunithi:
Isethi yokugezela ye-Brass thermostatic

Uchungechunge lwe-80-Pontus - Ama-Thermostatic Baat Mixers

I-Vitiality Pierian Spring

Amanzi angumthombo wezempilo nenduduzo. I-Pontus Waterfall enomklamo wayo we-Garde Organic onamandla kanye nesipiliyoni sayo esimnandi samanzi kuletha umsebenzisi eduze kwemvelo.

Ixhumanisa ne-Thermostatic Baat Mixer ne-Basin Mixer yethu, i-Bath Mixer, isethi yokugezela, ukuxubana kwekhishi, ukuxuba kwekhishi kanye nezesekeli zokugezela kukuvumela ukuthi uzizwe amandla we-Vitioty Pierian Pierian Spring .

Geza ngezimbali ezithambile zokufafaza amanzi futhi uhlangabezana nomphumela opholile wokuthula nokuzindla. Kuthule, kuthambile kodwa kuzwakalise.

Thermostatic Bath Shower MixersBristan SoniqueGrohe Thermostatic Bath Shower Mixer

Imikhiqizo eshisayo
Ikhaya> Imikhiqizo> Imibukiso> Ama-thermostatic shows> I-Thermostatic Baat Mixers
Thumela ukuPhenya

Sizokuthinta ngokushesha

Gcwalisa eminye imininingwane ukuze ukwazi ukuxhumana nawe ngokushesha

Isitatimende Sobumfihlo: Ubumfihlo bakho bubaluleke kakhulu kithina. Inkampani yethu ithembisa ukungadaluli imininingwane yakho kunoma yikuphi ukuveza izimvume zakho ezicacile.
