Thumela ukuPhenya
Ikhaya> Imikhiqizo> Imibukiso> Ama-thermostatic shows> I-Bathroom Thermostatic Shower Mixer Set
I-Bathroom Thermostatic Shower Mixer Set
I-Bathroom Thermostatic Shower Mixer Set
I-Bathroom Thermostatic Shower Mixer Set
I-Bathroom Thermostatic Shower Mixer Set
I-Bathroom Thermostatic Shower Mixer Set
I-Bathroom Thermostatic Shower Mixer Set

I-Bathroom Thermostatic Shower Mixer Set

Uhlobo lokukhokha:T/T


Incazelo yomkhiqizo
Izimfanelo Zomkhiqizo

I-Model No.081.477


Insizakalo YewarantiIminyaka emi-5

Inkonzo Yezentengiso NgemuvaUkwesekwa kwezobuchwepheshe ku-inthanethi

Izici Zesikulungisi Sokugeza Esifakwe OdongeniNge-Slide Bar

Izici Zesikulungisi Sokugeza OdongeniNge-Slide Bar

Inani LezibamboIsibambo Esingashadile

Izindwangu Ze-spoolIthusi

Cartridgeceramic cartridge with a lifetime of durable performance

VariantWide range of creative finishes offer personalized living space

MaterialBrass construction for maximum durability

Handshowerhandshower included

Functionrain shower,waterfall,hand shower

Amandla Wokunikezela Nemininingwane Eyen...

Ukukhiqiza1500000/per month

Amandla WokunikezelaWe are a factory and we are responsible for the entire production process

Ikhodi ye-HS84818090

Uhlobo lokukhokhaT/T


Ukupakisha nokulethwa
Ukuthengisa Amayunithi:
I-Thermostatic Showet Set 8

Lungiselela ukubhekelwa phansi kunanini ngaphambili. I-Kinen Bathroom yethu yokugezela yokugezela ye-Thermostatic Shower Mixer Set inikeza uhla lwezinto zikanokusho eziklanyelwe ukuthuthukisa ulwazi lwakho. Gxila ekushiseni kwemvula elungisa umuzwa wokuma ngaphansi kwemvula ehlobo emnene. Zizwe ukungezwani kuncibilike njengoba ungena emzimbeni wokugcotshwa komzimba kusuka kumajethi abekwe amasu. Futhi ngenxa yokuzitika okuphezulu, vumela umsebenzi we-Steam uwezele efwini lokufudumala, ukukhulula noma yikuphi ukucindezelwa noma ukungezwani okungenzeka ukuthi kuqongelelwe usuku lonke.

EKinen, sikholwa ukuthi amasethi wokuxubha okugeza okushisa awona nje akayona isidingo sansuku zonke - yithuba lokubalekela okujwayelekile futhi amukele okuvamile. Dala izinkumbulo ezithandekayo njengoba wena bask ekujabuleni okumsulwa kwe-oasis yethu. Vumela ukuthula kanye nokunethezeka kwe-kinen thermostati yokugeza okufihliwe ukuthutha uye ezweni lapho ukuphumula khona kwazi khona imingcele.

Qala lolu hambo olungajwayelekile nathi e-Kinen Thermostatic Mixermer, bese uthola izinga elisha lokuzitika okuzokushiya ungakhulumi. I-oasis yakho ye-bliss emsulwa.

Igumbi lokugezela elihlanganisiwe lokugezela okuhlangenwe nakho okuhlanganiswe ne-basin mixer yethu, i-bath mixer, isethi yokugezela, ukuxubana kwekhishi kanye nezesekeli zokugezela zikuvumela ukuthi uzizwe amandla we-Vierity Pierian Spring.Exepeience aletha umsebenzisi asondele emvelweni.

Thermostatic Shower Mixer SetsGrohe Shower ConcealedGrohe Precision Flow Thermostatic Shower MixerThermostatic shower set

Isethi yokugezela yokugezela ye-Thermostatic Shower Mixer iyiphakethe eliphelele elifaka i-thermostatic yokuxubha i-valve, isihlahla, i-shoukhaad ekhokhelwa ngesandla, nazo zonke izesekeli ezidingekayo zokufaka.

I-Thermostatic Shower Mixer valve i-valve eyinhloko yengxenye esethiwe yesethi, futhi inesibopho sokulawula izinga lokushisa kwamanzi kanye nezinga lokugeleza. Iqinisekisa izinga lokushisa lamanzi elingaguquki futhi eliphephile ngokushintsha ngokuzenzakalela ukulethwa kwamanzi okushisayo nokubandayo ukuze kugcinwe izinga lokushisa elifunekayo.

I-Chokead ne-Handheld Showerhead yakhelwe ukuhlinzeka ngesipiliyoni sokugeza esinethezekile nesijabulisayo. Imvamisa banamaphethini wokufafaza aguqukayo kanye nezilungiselelo zokucindezela kwamanzi ukunakekela okuncamelayo.

Isethi ibuye ifake zonke izesekeli zokufaka ezidingekayo, njengamabakaki ekhuphuka, ama-hoses, kanye nokufakelwa. Lezi zinto zezesekeli zenza kube lula ukufaka i-Shower Mixer esethwe kunoma iyiphi indlu yokugezela.

Sekukonke, indawo yokugezela ye-thermostatic yokuhlanza okubhaliwe iyikhambi elula futhi esebenzayo kulabo abafuna ukukhulisa uhlelo lwabo lokugeza. Inikeza isipiliyoni sokugeza esiphephile nesintofontofo ngenkathi sengeza ukuthinta kobuhle ku-Bathroom Décor.

Imikhiqizo eshisayo
Ikhaya> Imikhiqizo> Imibukiso> Ama-thermostatic shows> I-Bathroom Thermostatic Shower Mixer Set
Thumela ukuPhenya

Sizokuthinta ngokushesha

Gcwalisa eminye imininingwane ukuze ukwazi ukuxhumana nawe ngokushesha

Isitatimende Sobumfihlo: Ubumfihlo bakho bubaluleke kakhulu kithina. Inkampani yethu ithembisa ukungadaluli imininingwane yakho kunoma yikuphi ukuveza izimvume zakho ezicacile.
